What a glorious weekend! The three of us had a great drive north to Cincinnati, enjoying the spectacular nature show on the way as God’s autumn palette unfurled all around us. It was a special joy to be able to help our Sisters with the last minute preparations for Sr. Luisa’s Solemn Profession on Saturday, while having some time in between for visiting and sharing memories of our own Solemn Professions. Then the big day arrived and all was ready! Friends and family gathered in St. Clement’s Church and we praised God with joyful song and voice for almost two hours as we witnessed the awesome self-gift Sr. Luisa made in response to God’s call. It was a festive celebration in every way and made me feel renewed in appreciation of my own vocation. As I said to one of the sisters after the liturgy, I had too much joy! I felt so full of joy it was impossible to contain it! Thank God for a safe trip home on Sunday. And praise God for the gift of sharing in this graced experience! Sr. Nancy