What Is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a way of accompanying another person on his or her journey with God. Several of our sisters are trained spiritual directors; they can provide direction for retreatants staying at La Foresta (our retreat house) and may also be available to direct others on a regular basis.
Please note that a spiritual director is not a psychologist or counselor. A spiritual director is a companion who walks with you as you learn to communicate and deepen your relationship with God. Your prayer life is a major focus. The spiritual director helps you see how prayer leads you into a conversation with God and helps you discover how God is working in your life.
Direction is one-to-one and completely confidential. It offers a safe space for you to share your journey and life experiences as you seek God’s deepening invitation.
What you can expect …

- Unconditional welcome and respect for who you are and where you are in your life.
- Permission to be yourself – unadorned, honest, striving for clarity and meaning
- Encouragement and insight in an peaceful and prayerful environment.
How to prepare …
- Prayerfully reflect, a day or two before your session, on what you think God wants you to notice about your life, work, or any challenges that you are facing.
- Notice what Scripture passages speak to your heart or imagination at this time.
- Make note of the concerns you want to bring to the session. Sessions last one hour, so consider in advance how you want to use the time.
- Be prepared for the movement of the Holy Spirit.
If you are interested in having a sister direct you, please contact us at 864-834-8015.