Grateful For Our Way of Life
I am so blessed to be living with women who are committed to a life of prayer and contemplation. Each one, in her own way, inspires me to be a better person and together we are becoming one beautiful, holy [...]
Hidden Miracles
Last Sunday, we had a movie night (yes, nuns watch movies) and saw a film loaned to us from friends. The movie is called “Lion” and is based on a true story of a five year old boy from a [...]
The Essence of God In the Fruits of the Spirit
Ninth gift: Self-control Self-control begins with choice. The choices we make in life will ultimately determine who we become. The wisdom of the Ancient One says, “I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing [...]
God’s Essence In the Fruits of the Spirit
Eighth Fruit: Gentleness Gentleness is eternal strength. It is lasting strength forged from humility. While the world assaults us with lies such as, “might makes right, “the tough survive,” and “winning is everything,” Gentleness quietly whispers, “know yourself.” St. Francis [...]
God’s Essence In the Fruits of the Spirit
Seventh gift: Faithfulness Today we bury our Sr. Mary Clare Sekine, OSC and also today we talk about the seventh gift of the Spirit: faithfulness. The faithfulness of God is so prevalent in our lives and especially in the life [...]
God’s Essence In the Fruits of the Spirit
Sixth fruit: Goodness Summer fruits are unique and a delight to our senses. Take a peach, and hold it in your hand. Marvel at the soft fuzziness of its skin; inhale the aroma and admire the watercolor hues of orange, red, yellow and [...]