Please join us in praying for our Sister Helen McNulty Godfrey who was called home to God on Feb. 12, 2016.  We celebrated her Mass of Resurrection on Feb. 18.  Sister Helen was planning her 50th Jubilee for May and so wrote the feature article in our spring newsletter.  Here is the closing of the article which speaks of her love for her Poor Clare life:

“A few months ago I had one of those unique experiences of mystery as I was walking down the hall, just knowing deep within my heart that I am just where I am meant to be and doing what God would have me do, even though what I thought was best sometimes differed!  It is so right, and I am so deeply grateful for such abundance.   Joyful, painful, overflowing; it has all been a deep part of these years, and hopefully will be always.

Our life in community is richly diverse, as each of us are, and yet deeply one.  Our main mission in the monastery is prayer, and some prayerful overflow into other things.  I invite each of you reading this to join me in prayer for everyone, everywhere; for a world united in gratitude and peace. “

Newsletters are available on our website; as soon as the latest issue is posted you can read all of her reflections on the mystery of vocation. Thanks for stopping by and please, remember to pray for us as we lift you and your loved ones in prayer.  May Sr. Helen and all our departed loved ones rest in peace.