2007-11-25 21.14.17

Fourth Fruit: Patience

Patience is a wonderful fruit of the Spirit but not so easy to define. We know when we are not patient and when we are, usually after the fact, but like the Spirit, we see only the evidence of patience in our lives. To understand what patience is begins with vision; how we “see into” the difficult situation or person.

Nature is such a great teacher. In the past, seeds have been object lessons for faith; let’s now look at seeds to uncover the fruit of patience.

We hold a seed in our hand. In our simple, finite vision, we just see a seed. We hope or believe it will become a fully mature plant (our motivation to plant it), but at the moment we only see the seed.

Our season’s work therefore is based on a fragmented viewpoint–seeds, stems, blossoms, fruit. Stages, timing and conditions become important, and we grow impatient waiting for the stem to push through the earth, impatient for the flower to bloom, impatient for the fruit to ripen.

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When we see as God sees, with infinite vision, we see the whole, complete plant within the tiny seed. Our season’s work then, is based on an integral, holistic viewpoint that fosters faith, hope, trust, and of course, patience. There is need to nurture and cultivate, to do our part, but there is no need to fret or grow impatient, for we have already seen the fullness of the mature plant within the tiny seed.

God’s Spirit within us says, “Little seed, I see you whole and complete now. I will nourish and cultivate you through life, and the difficult times you walk through are simply the conditions that will bring you into full fruition as a mature child of God.”

It is easy to believe that God, the Spirit of Love, speaks this within us, but can we believe and speak this of ourselves and others as we walk through life’s difficult times? If so, we allow patience to grow within our being, our circumstances, and our neighbors.

Holy Patience begins with infinite, integral vision.~


Sr. Sharon of Jesus, osc  All rights reserved.